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Fruit of 2000 art with recycled material

320.00 IVA inclusa

Exceptionality lies in the everyday. This is an aspect of beauty, says Ciro.

Discover more going to the description of Ciro’s work.

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Fruits of 2000, one of Ciro’s works with recycled material. Ciro is the artist who revives what seems to have no more reason to exist. Precisely in this lies the genius of Ciro’s art of recycling.

Bearing much fruit is one of the phrases in the Bible that embodies the beauty of the mission of the Christian life: “You did not choose me, but I chose you; and I appointed you to go and bear fruit, and your fruit to endure “(cf. Jn 15:16). The change of the year and, even more so, the change of the millennium is always a good opportunity to take stock of fruitfulness and the waste of opportunities.

How can the fruit be brought? For example: knowing how to patiently bear the weight of one’s work. In the literary sense: the weight of the physical and intellectual effort that must be put in to reach certain given objectives; in the representational sense: the weight of enduring unsafe situations and complex relationships that are part of everyone’s daily life.

Because even objects that may seem worn can bring out a work of art.

Here is the recycled material of the Fruits of 2000 :

The body of the picture is made of a sheet metal that once covered the wine barrel.

Some of the fruits represented on the painting are old jars found on the street by the artist. Other fruits are made of bottle caps. The artist crushed all these objects to obtain the shapes that later became the fruits.

The stems are made of wrought and twisted iron wire and lathe shavings.

The leaves were cut from an old chandelier.

Fruits of 2000, the wish that every year brings good luck… even if it requires commitment.

Additional information

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 36 × 36 × 2.5 cm

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